Who is JESUS and why is He important to mankind. John chapter 14 makes it clear that JESUS is Almighty God our Father. One of the disciples of JESUS asked Him to show Him the Father. JESUS answers if you have seen me you have seen the Father. Inside the physical body of JESUS walked the Almighty God the Father. It is possible for the Almighty God to be in time and out of time at the same time. “The Father” refers to JESUS in the heavenly realm. JESUS is the personal name of God the Father. The purpose of a name is to distinguish one being from another. There is only one name for the Almighty God and that is JESUS in English. The most important issue for the day is: who will give you eternal life. The answer is understanding who JESUS is and what His plan is for mankind. There is only one being that can save a person from eternal death and that is JESUS. The Bibles state a certain way to receive eternal life and that is to accept the plan made by JESUS Himself to redeem mankind. A person must gain the understanding that JESUS came to earth in a human body through a woman and laid down His natural life to pay the price for our disobedience (sin). It is a simple matter of accepting the way JESUS chose to save us from spiritual death. The second way to be saved from eternal death is to wait until your natural body dies and stand before Almighty JESUS and be judged for your disobedience and rejection of JESUS as the Almighty God. The first option of receiving salvation is the better choice.