Those that “go to church” or are believing in some particular religious doctrine have all taken the mark of the beast. There “church” is a natural one with buildings, money, things etc. Those that have the mark or seal of Almighty JESUS in their forehead which is their mind or on their right hand which is the action of Faith in Almighty JESUS, have not taken the mark of the beast. No one can buy or sell what they don’t own as in things of the natural. Almighty JESUS owns everything. JESUS will always give natural things to His people as He does to the birds of the air. 666 has 3 components Government, business, and religion. Governments exist by way of taxes from the people. Business exist by profiting from the people. Religions exist by exacting money from the people. Money, money, money. When a person buys into these 3 entities and tries to sell them to others they have taken the mark of the beast (system). Almighty JESUS the living GOD is the head of His government over people, provides all wealth to people and is to be worshipped above all people.