JESUS says to Peter Mat 18 upon this rock I will build my Church. Peter recognized that JESUS is the flesh of the Almighty God our Father. The rock that JESUS was speaking of was Himself. Psalm 18:2 speaks of JESUS as the rock. JESUS who is Almighty God has only one church body. The spiritual body of JESUS is made up of His faithful believers who He refers to as believers and saints. Any apostles, prophets or teachers assist JESUS in instructing His people in the ways of righteousness. The bibles are good books that teach of righteousness and what the will of JESUS is for His Church. Bibles are also books of prophecies revealed to those with spiritual ears to hear in order to gain the understanding of what the will of JESUS is for individuals and the whole Church body. It is the role of the Church people to serve JESUS with whatever He wants at the moment. The name of the Church is JESUS. JESUS alone heads His Church He is the ruler, King, and Lord.